Welcome to Wadebridge Osteopaths

Our Osteopaths

Jo  emily-kenyon-1 Elaine W

Our Therapists

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Our counsellors and coaches

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Fantastic service with excellent advice and after care. You make me feel better and help me to understand how to help myself with good posture and practice.

– Louise  (teaching assistant)

Since 1978, Wadebridge Osteopaths have provided friendly and professional osteopathic healthcare to thousands of adults, children and babies, local and visitor alike.

We offer both structural and cranial approaches to osteopathic treatment and we are proud to be continuing to expand the range of other complementary therapies we can provide.

This is in keeping with our belief in a holistic approach to healing and good health. We are passionate about what we do and lucky enough to live in a place that inspires this passion.

So follow the menus to find out about the alternatives we can offer you, the people you might see, appointments, your first visit, and charges.

I realised that I had been suffering with neck pain for 4 months. It was making driving literally ‘a pain in the neck’ and impacting on other aspects of my work. I found myself taking painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs everyday and had even visited a physiotherapist without any benefit. I decided I needed to do something different.

Wadebridge Osteopaths fitted me in on the day I rang. After the first appointment, there was a definite improvement and, after the second visit, I could drive without the pain recurring. After the third visit, the neck is almost like new. I only wish I had gone earlier.

The premises are comfortable and the staff friendly and helpful.

– Jacky (retired GP),

Osteopathy, cranial osteopathy, craniosacral therapy, counselling, massage, reflexology and more.